Tracy Levinson has recently written a book on dating, love, sex and faith. She is a Christian and has a passion for the Millennial Generation & Generation Y's understanding of the New Covenant.
Tracy Levinson is a Christian, wife, mother, Bible teacher, conference speaker, blogger and author. The New Covenant is her deepest passion as shares it's message with grace and truth.
How can I know if God is real? Can the Bible be trusted? What is the New Covenant? What is faith? Was Jesus real? What is the truth? What is Christian apologetics? Atheists? Believers? QUESTIONS ABOUT GOD
Come join our podcast! We can ponder some important topics together: love, sex, marriage, parenting, beauty, truth, grace, freedom, and how all of that intertwines with an invisible God. I'm all about "living well." It is an art worth exploring.
Tracy is a Bible teacher, Christian conference speaker and writer.
Come sit down and join me, as we discuss what it looks like to "live well." We can ponder some important topics together: love, sex, marriage, parenting, beauty, truth, grace, freedom and how all of that intertwines with an invisible God. Enjoying life is an art worth exploring! Tracy is a Christian, bible teacher, speaker and writer.
Tracy Levinson - favorite podcasts, books, songs, quotes and people! Some include: Andrew Farley, Judah Smith and Wayne Jacobson. Tracy is a Christian speaker who has a passion for the Bible.
Tracy Levinson is a decorator and designer who is passionate about beautiful spaces.
Tracy Levinson - actor, acting & speaking coach. Tracy is a Christian who has a passion for the theatre & the arts!
Bruce Levinson and Tracy Levinson are a married couple rediscovering romance one adventure at a time. Bruce & Tracy are Christian speakers, bloggers and passionate about romance, sex / nakedness and love.