"You blink your eyes and they are gone."
Eight years ago, as high-school approached for our two kiddos, I asked God, "Teach me to number my days, so I can gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). Soon after that, I felt peacefully compelled to disengage my ministry website and lay down the bulk of teaching for a season to engage inward. I began to purposefully focus on the simplicity of the gospel and my marriage. I became protective of my time with Josh and Caroline. It's one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. No regrets. I also did lots of gardening, cooking, decorating, laughing, listening to great teachers, building new friendships, and ended up kissing my husband a lot. I did a little speaking here and there, but nothing consuming like I did before. It's been a sweet season. However, I sense change is on the horizon. (Except for the kissing part.)
It has been good to share what God has been showing me from that time of refreshment and depth. Who knows how God might write the second part of my story. But for now, I am sharing this message through this website, my new show on TheBlaze -DOCK 2, my book "unashamed - candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness & faith," television appearances, podcast interviews, casual gatherings in living rooms, Christian schools, colleges, various bible studies, women's events, marriage/parenting conferences, and churches.