Tracy Levinson (best selling author of the book: unashamed - candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness & faith) TV, Podcast & Blogpost link.
Raising Kids in a Culture of Grace
Join me and my friend, Wynema Clark as we discuss dating, love, nakedness & faith.
The Easy Wife - UNASHAMED
The Easy Wife: UNASHAMED with tracy levinson
This episode is “wheels off” please be advised that it may not be appropriate to listen to during the carpool.
Sex & the Christian Culture
This podcast was about sex and it was a BLAST! It is an interview I did in The PLAYroom with Coach Casey on Sophia is able to live her dream by helping others achieve theirs. Check it out!!!!
GRACE in your FACE →
Today we will be talking about Tracy’s journey to the Grace Gospel message. Tracy is wise, witty and fun and we think you will adore this, always candid, conversation with her! Click her to listen to GRACE IN YOUR FACE!
Sexual Selflessness - The God Journey Part 3
Podcast: Mutually Shared Selflessness
WARNING: Be advised that this podcast is a frank and perhaps for some a controversial conversation about sexuality. Wayne and Brad continue with part two of their conversation with Tracy Levinson, author of Unashamed: candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness, and faith. They start where they left off, talking about navigating the waters where your sexual experience is a disappointment or even a cause of great pain. Then they talk about the entire relationship between a husband and wife and how it affects their sexual experience together. Loving each other is not about manipulating each other for our own wants but growing in the joy of mutually shared selflessness,
Shame & Sexuality - The God Journey Part 2
Podcast - Taking Shame Out of Sexuality
WARNING: Be advised that this podcast is a frank and perhaps for some a controversial conversation about sexuality. The sex lady returns to discuss some of your questions and comments from our earlier podcast. Wayne and Brad continue their frank and sometimes explicit conversation with Tracy Levinson, author of Unashamed: candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness, and faith, about a grace-based approach to sexuality in a variety of contexts. They talk about how to deal with sexual issues with children and how we can teach them modesty and restraint, without tainting their sexuality with fear or shame, and where we may have failed sexually or been taken advantage of how to be at peace with God. They also talk about masturbation and its impact on healthy sexuality, but not as a sin that will disconnect your relationship with God. They also help explore how a couple can communicate more effectively about their frequency, turn-ons and sort through the places where it has caused pain or disappointment.
unashamed - The God Journey Part 1
What happens when a mom of children in their twenties offers to answer questions about sex from the hormone-ravaged world of 18-28 year olds? You get: unashamed: candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness, and faith. Wayne and Brad invite the author, Tracy Levinson to join them on this week's podcast to talk about her new book and what she has discovered in her conversations about sex and dating in a grace-based, Jesus-passionate framework. Tracy is a long-time God Journey listener from TX area and covers this explosive topic with grace, humor, and vulnerable honesty that is as insightful as it is engaging.
Podcast with Surviving Sarah - salvation, parenting, & sex
"unashamed - candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness & faith"
Rediscovering Romance
Let's make a bucket list!
Want to know how to create a BUCKET LIST? Here is a PODCAST I did Amy Ford on creating a bucket lists.
Tracing the dots...
Let's ponder some important topics together: love, sex, marriage, parenting, beauty, truth, grace, freedom, and how all of that intertwines with an invisible God. I'm all about "living well." It is an art worth exploring.